Monday, December 12, 2011

when emotional vs rational

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم...
السلام عليكم...

first of all..
just wanna say


i will like to confess smthg...
i'm an ordinary girl which insya Allah able to communicate n cooperate with man..(n there's limit that we should observe, plz do respect those limit..tq)

i wanna stress that i don't like ur style of thinking when u couldn't do it ur best to cooperate with 'em n make me feel worst if i can deal with 'em
i'm sorry if i hurt u, or we hurt u...but the thing is i didn't intend to hurt u..
we learn from our experience, n we learn from our observation..
let's learn from mistakes, not pointing others for our mistakes....

dear girls,
which felt that i've hurt 'em b4,
i'm seriously sorry...
there's nothing special in me that u should be jealous for...
just try ur best to deal with others..
they r peole...humankind..they r still the creatures of Allah..
deal with others with wisdom~ ;)

n U as a Man,
u know how emotional minded we r..
so don't try to mess with us,
cause i know u don't wanna get into trouble...

Man r from Mars, Woman r from Venus

we've such a huge different,
so, do respect our differences..

when u say u can respect others decision
plz don't just say it ignorantly,
act it out through ur action..
mean it..
don't just say n forget..

when u say u'll respect,
u WON'T FORCE 'em to end up da same stand as u...

plz...i hate da feeling of being force..
n nobody like it..
as i can stay calm to give u a respond, appreciate it,
don't let me blow u up just because i feel like u forcing me.....

once again...we r emotional n u r rational..
so, lets use it wisely...

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