awwalan bismillah...
alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal...sgalanya b'jln lncr..
ringan skit rasenye beban kt fikiran nh..
p'jlnn msih jauh...
ad 2 paper lg b4 cuti..
smoga paper yg nh,
performance better dr paper yg sblmnye...
rabbiyassir wala tu'assir..
dan smoga sgalanya dip'mudahkn..
dan d'bri petunjuk utk sgalanya...

Monday, October 31, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
to ponder
awwalan bismillah...
Allahu Allah....
mcm2 yg berlaku...
kdg2 t'pk mcm mls nk pk..
mls nk update bnde2 nh...
bleh pening pale gak dok pk bnde yg xperlu nh...
lg2 klu ad yg b'canggah pndpt..
tp ble pk2 blek...
it's u who determined it..
how u manage it..
how u deal with it...
xkesah la perkara tu besa o kecik...
n...for me...
klu ad kekusutan...ianya patut dileraikn..
klu xbleh nk deal trus dgn that particular person o situation...
we should take another option..
seeking other people advice n opinion or etc..
n back to us again..
how we want to adapt it to the situation..
bak kate kwn..
xyah rumitkn keadaan..
buat keputusan gne marginal analysis..
lihat pd priority n faedah pd dri dan sekitar..
n based it on the opportunity n time..
sy tmbh stu...option.. ;)
hurm...btol3...syukran for ur help..
n sy nk highlight kn tuk dri sndr...
"xyah rumitkn sesuatu or keadaan"
itu yg plg pntg..
next is about oneself..
pd pemerhatian sy slame nh...
people who teach others..
will feel down to d earth when the people they teach get better than him or her..
either better grade or understanding...
n this issue had been discussed in ma statistic class in cfs iium..
our madam told us bout her story..
while she studying,she teach others but other get a better grade...
n she claimed it always happen like that...
n it's a lil bit disturbing..
do u know how it feels?
ya..a bit frustrated n d urge feeling to stop teaching that particular person full over youself..'s hurt + hard to maintain ur gud intention on smthg..
but again...mdm remind's part of the test from Allah...
to c how u manage it?
in a proper manner n 'as-sabr' au straight away avoid to teach others b'coz u afraid others got better than u..
sometimes, i think...
ya...people feel they're others who better than him/her...which make that person ignore others' need on their teaching,opinion,suggestion n ideas...
n sometimes, they don't wanna teach b'coz they don't wanna...
can't we link our niah/intention to the saying of the prophet,
convey to others even one ayah/sentence..
ya...i think that's da better way to cure this feeling..
even u feel there's a lot people who better than u...
when people ask smthg...especially bout ur opinion or understanding..
deliver to 'em even a sentence...
but...if u really don't hv any idea bout it...
just admit it..n suggest 'em to ask a better source..
isn't that better?
people is just one of the creatures of Allah...
we do hv wrong n right...
one who always be right can be wrong..
n one who always wrong can be right...
Allahu Allah....
mcm2 yg berlaku...
kdg2 t'pk mcm mls nk pk..
mls nk update bnde2 nh...
bleh pening pale gak dok pk bnde yg xperlu nh...
lg2 klu ad yg b'canggah pndpt..
tp ble pk2 blek...
it's u who determined it..
how u manage it..
how u deal with it...
xkesah la perkara tu besa o kecik...
n...for me...
klu ad kekusutan...ianya patut dileraikn..
klu xbleh nk deal trus dgn that particular person o situation...
we should take another option..
seeking other people advice n opinion or etc..
n back to us again..
how we want to adapt it to the situation..
bak kate kwn..
xyah rumitkn keadaan..
buat keputusan gne marginal analysis..
lihat pd priority n faedah pd dri dan sekitar..
n based it on the opportunity n time..
sy tmbh stu...option.. ;)
hurm...btol3...syukran for ur help..
n sy nk highlight kn tuk dri sndr...
"xyah rumitkn sesuatu or keadaan"
itu yg plg pntg..
next is about oneself..
pd pemerhatian sy slame nh...
people who teach others..
will feel down to d earth when the people they teach get better than him or her..
either better grade or understanding...
n this issue had been discussed in ma statistic class in cfs iium..
our madam told us bout her story..
while she studying,she teach others but other get a better grade...
n she claimed it always happen like that...
n it's a lil bit disturbing..
do u know how it feels?
ya..a bit frustrated n d urge feeling to stop teaching that particular person full over youself..'s hurt + hard to maintain ur gud intention on smthg..
but again...mdm remind's part of the test from Allah...
to c how u manage it?
in a proper manner n 'as-sabr' au straight away avoid to teach others b'coz u afraid others got better than u..
sometimes, i think...
ya...people feel they're others who better than him/her...which make that person ignore others' need on their teaching,opinion,suggestion n ideas...
n sometimes, they don't wanna teach b'coz they don't wanna...
can't we link our niah/intention to the saying of the prophet,
convey to others even one ayah/sentence..
ya...i think that's da better way to cure this feeling..
even u feel there's a lot people who better than u...
when people ask smthg...especially bout ur opinion or understanding..
deliver to 'em even a sentence...
but...if u really don't hv any idea bout it...
just admit it..n suggest 'em to ask a better source..
isn't that better?
people is just one of the creatures of Allah...
we do hv wrong n right...
one who always be right can be wrong..
n one who always wrong can be right...
Friday, October 21, 2011
=) & =)
awwalan bismillah...
wa alhamdulillah....
sgt2 teruja...
melihat prog b'jln dgn baik..
yg t'kurang mnjadi pedoman..
walau ape pun jua...
masih terasa manis nye pengalaman itu...
trima kasih pd semua yg membantu...
trima kasih jua yg turut hadir menjayakn program
smoga dri terisi dgn ilmu2 yg bermanfaat
ampun maaf ats khilaf dri ini..
awwalan bismillah...
wa alhamdulillah....
sgt2 teruja...
melihat prog b'jln dgn baik..
yg t'kurang mnjadi pedoman..
walau ape pun jua...
masih terasa manis nye pengalaman itu...
trima kasih pd semua yg membantu...
trima kasih jua yg turut hadir menjayakn program
smoga dri terisi dgn ilmu2 yg bermanfaat
tika diri dipanggil menghadap..
memikul amanah..
tiada kata yg menolak..
malah jiwa berkobar-kobar..
diri turut serta bersiap..
menerima tunjuk ajar
memberi hikmad..
waktu berlalu begitu pantas..
segalanya diharungi bersama..
tika payah dan senang..
senyum tawa menjalin bahagia..
hingga yg duka berganti ceria..
dalam menyusuri liku ini..
daku belajar mengenali diri..
dari segenap sudut..
aku buntu..
namun telah kuuraikn..
sehingga bertemu penyelesaian..
andai ada tersilap langkah..
moga kau tunjukkan..
berakhirnya kisah ini..
memberi seribu satu erti..
yg keruh dibuang jauh..
yg jernih menjadi benih..
ampun maaf ats khilaf dri ini..
Saturday, October 15, 2011
adek2.. ^_^
awwalan bismillah.... =)
alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal..
sumenye berjln dgn baik..
pg td..after finish leadership class...we stop by library before going to cafe...
right after we've got the thing we wanted in the library we rush to d the stomach start to sing a song...haha....
n suddenly...while passing by those stores on our way to d cafe..,i saw a girl rushing towards me...n i gave her a glance as she looks like she's looking at u junior in secondary school....=) what a nice moment to meet's nice to meet u here...but i'm so sorry that i've forgotten ur name....seriously...come to think back...i think u r da one in my usrah that i'd always talk with...y did i've forgot ur name....seriously sorry...doesn't mean to hurt u...i've try to recall but i can't find it....i wanna guess but i'm afraid if i got wrong it might hurt u more....seriously sorry ma dear...siannye tgk muke dy...ikhlas dtg jmpe den...rushing lg tu tkut t'lps...smbl b'slm2 n b'tegur spe...dy sempat lg ckp....rindunye~~kt akk...~~ sweet of u...............seriously dear....soooorrrryyyyy sgt3......siannye...rse serbe slh pulak xingt nme dy....hurm...xp la ye adik ku syg....akk doakn kamu b'jaye dunia akhirat....smoga Allah sntse melindungimu....ameen~~~ jge dri ckp ad seminar arab kn kt cni....blaja rjin2 k....jgn sedeyh2...lpe name xb'makna akk lpe kamu....k ;)
n after take a few steps in da cafe....i run into 4 other junior of mine...=) yg 2 tu adk dorm...1 junior tae kwon do...n 1 lg adk kpd kwn...=) hehe...adk dorm mmg lkt kt pale la nmenye...salu disebut2 dlu tyme kt dorm...yg tae kwon do nh...salu gak sebut n txt dy dlu.....but again...ya Allah.....i've forgot her name.......ya Allah....segan la pulep........salu kot sebut nme dy dlu...tup2 bleh lpe pule tyme jmpe tu...then adek2 dorm nh dgn baik hati nye nk tlg...cahaya kak qila...cahaya.... but i still with ma Q faced...then dyorg ckp...cahaya petunjuk kak qila...ya translation sbbkn sgt2 xsure dgn nme tu...eden g soal blk....xkn hidayah kot...??? haa....tu la nme dy...srentak bdk2 tu jwb...yg adek junior den nh da sedey akk pggl kamu dayah dlu....ble sebut hidayah dy cm lmbt pick up pule........ya Allah....sori syg....jgn sedeyh2...maaf la ye....ya Allah...sian mereke....hurm....
nyway adek2 ku syg sekalian........jgn sedeyh2 k....siannye...korg rushing pulak td....xsmpat nk recall dlm mse singkat tu...ble korg da gerak bru akk t'ingt blek.....alalala...siannye...hurm....
xp2....still....akk doakn kamu berjaya dunia da best k...may Allah protect u....n bittaufiq wannajah 'ala kulli hal....thun nh f5 rsenye bdk2 nh......da lbh tggi dr sy da...hoho...tbe2 rse cm kecik la pule sy nh...:D:D papepon....may ur wish come true dearest junior....^_^ameen~~
k la....till then...
all da best everybody...
slm rindu~~~
awwalan bismillah.... =)
alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal..
sumenye berjln dgn baik..
pg td..after finish leadership class...we stop by library before going to cafe...
right after we've got the thing we wanted in the library we rush to d the stomach start to sing a song...haha....
n suddenly...while passing by those stores on our way to d cafe..,i saw a girl rushing towards me...n i gave her a glance as she looks like she's looking at u junior in secondary school....=) what a nice moment to meet's nice to meet u here...but i'm so sorry that i've forgotten ur name....seriously...come to think back...i think u r da one in my usrah that i'd always talk with...y did i've forgot ur name....seriously sorry...doesn't mean to hurt u...i've try to recall but i can't find it....i wanna guess but i'm afraid if i got wrong it might hurt u more....seriously sorry ma dear...siannye tgk muke dy...ikhlas dtg jmpe den...rushing lg tu tkut t'lps...smbl b'slm2 n b'tegur spe...dy sempat lg ckp....rindunye~~kt akk...~~ sweet of u...............seriously dear....soooorrrryyyyy sgt3......siannye...rse serbe slh pulak xingt nme dy....hurm...xp la ye adik ku syg....akk doakn kamu b'jaye dunia akhirat....smoga Allah sntse melindungimu....ameen~~~ jge dri ckp ad seminar arab kn kt cni....blaja rjin2 k....jgn sedeyh2...lpe name xb'makna akk lpe kamu....k ;)
n after take a few steps in da cafe....i run into 4 other junior of mine...=) yg 2 tu adk dorm...1 junior tae kwon do...n 1 lg adk kpd kwn...=) hehe...adk dorm mmg lkt kt pale la nmenye...salu disebut2 dlu tyme kt dorm...yg tae kwon do nh...salu gak sebut n txt dy dlu.....but again...ya Allah.....i've forgot her name.......ya Allah....segan la pulep........salu kot sebut nme dy dlu...tup2 bleh lpe pule tyme jmpe tu...then adek2 dorm nh dgn baik hati nye nk tlg...cahaya kak qila...cahaya.... but i still with ma Q faced...then dyorg ckp...cahaya petunjuk kak qila...ya translation sbbkn sgt2 xsure dgn nme tu...eden g soal blk....xkn hidayah kot...??? haa....tu la nme dy...srentak bdk2 tu jwb...yg adek junior den nh da sedey akk pggl kamu dayah dlu....ble sebut hidayah dy cm lmbt pick up pule........ya Allah....sori syg....jgn sedeyh2...maaf la ye....ya Allah...sian mereke....hurm....
nyway adek2 ku syg sekalian........jgn sedeyh2 k....siannye...korg rushing pulak td....xsmpat nk recall dlm mse singkat tu...ble korg da gerak bru akk t'ingt blek.....alalala...siannye...hurm....
xp2....still....akk doakn kamu berjaya dunia da best k...may Allah protect u....n bittaufiq wannajah 'ala kulli hal....thun nh f5 rsenye bdk2 nh......da lbh tggi dr sy da...hoho...tbe2 rse cm kecik la pule sy nh...:D:D papepon....may ur wish come true dearest junior....^_^ameen~~
dayah...akk da ingt da...jgn sdeyh2 k.. ;)
ya Allah...rindunye sir zuraidah n bdk2 nh...T_T
khadijah...pnjm ea pic kmu... ^_^
k la....till then...
all da best everybody...
slm rindu~~~
Monday, October 10, 2011
in progress of everything..
awwalan bismillah~
masha Allah...mashghul kasir..
thought bout that particular inccident..
i felt a lil bit different sense bout it today...
but still....hope so...really2 hope n just wanna pray for da best...
may Allah guide us...and help us da way we should follow..
cannot do any other way...just can let it be with Allah's guidance...
what can i do now is just praying for da best....
n hope that this wisdom or hikmah...the biggest hikmah i've got..
remain with me...till d end of ma life...ameen~~
trust to the everything we do....
not putting hope to his creatures who's just d same like us...who still need da best guidance..
n only Allah can give us da best guidance...believe n put ur trust in Allah....the only one..
talking bout the project that we've work on now...
still a lil bit fussy...
which make me feel like there's too much work that haven't been done..
so, we've try our best...i maself have try my best...
n hopefully can work out ma best to make sure that everything ok before, while having it, n after......
hopefully....we can make it our best...n others who join us feel good n comfortable..
n left it to Allah after what we've done our best....
n lastly,
suddenly i've meet this real face of economics courses...
masya Allah....
payah gop..
xdpt nk byg guane t nk amek exm...even the quizes r hard enough...
how would it be in the mid term exam....n how would it looks like in the final exm...
ya Allah...pls help us...bring to us somebody which hv da best understanding n patient to teach us..
we'll try our best to seek them...
may everything went well...ameen~
till then,
masha Allah...mashghul kasir..
thought bout that particular inccident..
i felt a lil bit different sense bout it today...
but still....hope so...really2 hope n just wanna pray for da best...
may Allah guide us...and help us da way we should follow..
cannot do any other way...just can let it be with Allah's guidance...
what can i do now is just praying for da best....
n hope that this wisdom or hikmah...the biggest hikmah i've got..
remain with me...till d end of ma life...ameen~~
trust to the everything we do....
not putting hope to his creatures who's just d same like us...who still need da best guidance..
n only Allah can give us da best guidance...believe n put ur trust in Allah....the only one..
talking bout the project that we've work on now...
still a lil bit fussy...
which make me feel like there's too much work that haven't been done..
so, we've try our best...i maself have try my best...
n hopefully can work out ma best to make sure that everything ok before, while having it, n after......
hopefully....we can make it our best...n others who join us feel good n comfortable..
n left it to Allah after what we've done our best....
n lastly,
suddenly i've meet this real face of economics courses...
masya Allah....
payah gop..
xdpt nk byg guane t nk amek exm...even the quizes r hard enough...
how would it be in the mid term exam....n how would it looks like in the final exm...
ya Allah...pls help us...bring to us somebody which hv da best understanding n patient to teach us..
we'll try our best to seek them...
may everything went well...ameen~
till then,
Friday, October 7, 2011
awwalan bismillah...
mne bleh mcm nh...
senyum je ye...
insya hikmahnye tu...
Dia lbh tahu ap yg t'baik tuk kte sume...
jgn down2 salu ye..
bnyk lg bnde len nk kne pk...
strive ur best...
kte serahkn sumenye pd Allah k...
insya Allah...=)
la tahzan..innallahama'ana....
kuat awk..kuat.... ^_^
fighting..!! =)
mne bleh mcm nh...
senyum je ye...
insya hikmahnye tu...
Dia lbh tahu ap yg t'baik tuk kte sume...
jgn down2 salu ye..
bnyk lg bnde len nk kne pk...
strive ur best...
kte serahkn sumenye pd Allah k...
insya Allah...=)
la tahzan..innallahama'ana....
kuat awk..kuat.... ^_^
fighting..!! =)
Saturday, October 1, 2011
awwalan bismillah.. =)
few days ago...gave a huge impact afterwards...
i'm pondering...wondering..what am i it right or should it be actually..?
days b4...
poster r here n there...
"eh, UAI la"
ckp psl pe nh??ble?kt mne?
jom pegi nk..? 6_6
night b4..
jd x g talk tu?
yg tu la..
yg mne?UAI...jd!! jomla...nk x?
nk!! tp ad mslh sket la psl tmpt..xconfirm lg..kne pindah..
ntah...dgr kate ad org luar cmpr tgn...
ntah..ak xtau la..ak bc kt fb je...da bising da sume...
la...ust sket punye sempoi cmtue pon nk halang gak ke?ak xphm la...nh kn talk psl agama....slh??org nk blaja agama pon slh??hurm...
on that night..
eh sume da stat pegi dr lps maghrib g wey..
yeke? stat kol bpe? bkn 830 ke?
stat 845..tkut xmuat...tmpt tu kn kecik je..
ha'ah kte cne?
ntah..ak dgr dyorg psg LCD kt luar..
owh nk grk ble nh?
pasni trus grk la...
as arrived there (besides main stairs iiu)
waah...rmi kt luar...da pnuh ke? eh tu dyorg da psg LCD
ha...tgk kt cni je la..lgpon da rmi..ak rse da xmuat da kt dlm...
alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal..
everything went smoothly..=)
today...when looking on the internet..
i got so much on ma head...a bit unsatisfied n wondered..
agree with some of their words here n there...
but of d comment wake me up...
oh ya...Islam doesn't teach us to be rude..
Islam doesn't teach us to talk back if u don't have any proof..
if ur words doesn't match the person...u r slandering people...
wake up mind!! wake up!!!
this is not the way u wanna ask for just..
this is not the way u wanna make those people wake up from their wrong doings..
harsh words, rude attitude, point people without proof....are just not the way!! seriously...
Islam teach us the wonderful of Hikmah..
Islam teach us to amar ma'ruf nahi munkar..
Islam teach us to unite in the name of Allah...
come on self...
wake up...
action speaks louder than words...
therefore, self...
let's aslih nafsak wad'u ghairak..
let's correct ourself first...n invite others to do the same....
cause who we r today...determine what gonna be in future
biiznillah...insha Allah...
n who am i??
talking on this issue..
am just nobody...
writing as a ma self..
may Allah show us His way...and bestow us His bless n mercy..
ameen ya Rab....ameen~~
wslm ^^,
few days ago...gave a huge impact afterwards...
i'm pondering...wondering..what am i it right or should it be actually..?
days b4...
poster r here n there...
"eh, UAI la"
ckp psl pe nh??ble?kt mne?
jom pegi nk..? 6_6
night b4..
jd x g talk tu?
yg tu la..
yg mne?UAI...jd!! jomla...nk x?
nk!! tp ad mslh sket la psl tmpt..xconfirm lg..kne pindah..
ntah...dgr kate ad org luar cmpr tgn...
ntah..ak xtau la..ak bc kt fb je...da bising da sume...
la...ust sket punye sempoi cmtue pon nk halang gak ke?ak xphm la...nh kn talk psl agama....slh??org nk blaja agama pon slh??hurm...
on that night..
eh sume da stat pegi dr lps maghrib g wey..
yeke? stat kol bpe? bkn 830 ke?
stat 845..tkut xmuat...tmpt tu kn kecik je..
ha'ah kte cne?
ntah..ak dgr dyorg psg LCD kt luar..
owh nk grk ble nh?
pasni trus grk la...
as arrived there (besides main stairs iiu)
waah...rmi kt luar...da pnuh ke? eh tu dyorg da psg LCD
ha...tgk kt cni je la..lgpon da rmi..ak rse da xmuat da kt dlm...
alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal..
everything went smoothly..=)
today...when looking on the internet..
i got so much on ma head...a bit unsatisfied n wondered..
agree with some of their words here n there...
but of d comment wake me up...
oh ya...Islam doesn't teach us to be rude..
Islam doesn't teach us to talk back if u don't have any proof..
if ur words doesn't match the person...u r slandering people...
wake up mind!! wake up!!!
this is not the way u wanna ask for just..
this is not the way u wanna make those people wake up from their wrong doings..
harsh words, rude attitude, point people without proof....are just not the way!! seriously...
Islam teach us the wonderful of Hikmah..
Islam teach us to amar ma'ruf nahi munkar..
Islam teach us to unite in the name of Allah...
come on self...
wake up...
action speaks louder than words...
therefore, self...
let's aslih nafsak wad'u ghairak..
let's correct ourself first...n invite others to do the same....
cause who we r today...determine what gonna be in future
biiznillah...insha Allah...
n who am i??
talking on this issue..
am just nobody...
writing as a ma self..
may Allah show us His way...and bestow us His bless n mercy..
ameen ya Rab....ameen~~
wslm ^^,
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