Tuesday, June 19, 2012

light bulb!

bismillah wassalam'alaik~


in deciding a decision,
should pick a better way,
da way that lead to justice and wisdom,
that gives u happiness and calmness,

the loyalty is still there,
can't deny,
but let's lead it to the Greatest,
stop the inappropriate,
that should be a better decision for me =)

thus, i decide to continue praying,
let's be happy for each other,
may Allah bless our life,
may this be the beginner of hublillah.

as long as u bring a good inspiration to me,
as long as ur inspiration lead me to love Allah more,
i'll b the one who thank you a lot,
and only Allah can repay it back to u,
may Allah lead us to His love,

Allahumma barik lana fi Rajab wa Sya'ban wabalighna Ramadhan. Ameen~
Ya Allah berkahilah kami di bulan Rejab dan Sya'ban, dan sampaikanlah kami pada Ramadhan. Ameen~
O Allah bless us in Rajab and Sha'ban and deliver us to Ramadhan. Ameen~

Monday, June 18, 2012



2 important reminder

# dlm b'da'wah : tidak ada istilah memilih bulu, treating everybody da same,
                          jgn meng-anak tiri-kn insan yg bru ingin mengerti Islam
                          beri mereka masa

# dlm membenci : kata2 bijak pandai ada memcatatkn
                           jika membenci, bencilah pd perbuatannya [negative attitude], bukan benci pd orangnya,


peringatan buat diri yg lupa~